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           The BRIDGE IS FINISHED!!!

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Construction Begins!!!

Two monster pieces of equipment moved mountains of rock and removed the previous culverts which crumbled like cookies, showing how deteriorated and inadequate they were to withstand future storms.

Protecting the Water Pipe

A steel eye-beam was installed to protect our water pipe during construction. RTFI operator Tom made us very nervous as he risked tipping over while removing the enormous amount of rubble from the stream bed.

Old Culverts Removed

All of the old culverts split in half or pulverized during removal.

Stream Bed Widened

On Friday, the stream bed was widened to be able to accommodate the new culverts which will be installed to direct the flow of excessive storm water safely without vulnerability to destruction.

Rebar, Forms, & Concrete

Rebar was cut, forms were built and cement arrived right on schedule to create the clean pad where the new culverts will sit when delivered next week.

Curing & Ready for New Culverts!

A generous amount of cement was poured and spread after which screening was performed to smooth the surface with meticulous precision. A beautiful job ready to cure over the weekend.

Bridge 10
Culverts In
Boulders Set

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Item 4 Going Down

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Amazing Progress
Finalizing the Road

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The Road is Finished!

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The First Car to Cross!

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Beautiful Stone Wall

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